For an easier usage of the application from other applications in the project, an API is provided.

Note: The “sites” framework is optional but you need it if you want the site context variable to provide a Site instance (not None) in the notification templates.


Broadcast a message to multiple Users.

For an easier cleanup, all these messages are directly marked as archived and deleted on the sender side. The message is expected to be issued from a trusted application, so moderation is not necessary and the status is automatically set to ‘accepted’.

Arguments: (sender, recipients, subject, body=’‘, skip_notification=False)


Write a message to a User.

Contrary to pm_broadcast(), the message is archived and/or deleted on the sender side only if requested. The message may come from an untrusted application, a gateway for example, so it may be useful to involve some auto moderators in the processing.

Arguments: (sender, recipient, subject, body=’‘, skip_notification=False, auto_archive=False, auto_delete=False, auto_moderators=[])


  • auto_archive: to mark the message as archived on the sender side
  • auto_delete: to mark the message as deleted on the sender side
  • auto_moderators: a list of auto-moderation functions
  • body: the contents of the message
  • recipient: a User instance
  • recipients: a list or tuple of User instances, or a single User instance
  • sender: a User instance
  • skip_notification: if the normal notification event is not wished
  • subject: the subject of the message


Suppose an application managing Event objects. Whenever a new Event is generated, you want to broadcast an announcement to Users who have subscribed to be informed of the availability of such a kind of Event.

Code sample:

from postman.api import pm_broadcast
events = Event.objects.filter(...)
for e in events:
        subject='New {0} at Our School: {1}'.format(e.type, e.title),